LAMKpub is an open access publishing platform which publishes articles and audiovisual materials by the staff, students and partners of the Lahti University of Applied Sciences. LAMKpub is completely open access, so all publications are free and available to anyone.
All submitted material must be according to generally accepted practice. The authors represent their own views and are responsible for the content of their material. LAMKpub holds the right to publish all submitted material, but all responsibility regarding the copyright issues of the article content (e.g. plagiarism) remains with the authors. The editorial board holds the right not to publish any material that does not meet LAMKpub’s standards.
Privacy policy
LAMKpub does not collect personal data of its users. Contact information (aka email address) is requested only in cases where the user wishes the editorial staff to contact them.
Linking to materials in LAMKpub
The using of and linking to the text materials published in LAMKpub is permitted, as long as the context is according to good practice. The source must always be mentioned. The user must check the material’s terms of use according to the Creative Commons -license. In any questions regarding the terms of use, please contact the editorial staff at
Notice and takedown policy
Lahti UAS acts in good faith in publishing materials in LAMKpub and is responsible for its content being according to law. However, all responsibility regarding the copyright issues of the materials (e.g. plagiarism) remains with the authors. Lahti UAS is not responsible for possible copyright infringements, since all content in LAMKpub is subject to a takedown policy.
If you feel that your copyright has been infringed in any way, please notify the editorial board immediately in writing, stating the following:
- your contact details
- the full details of the material and the exact and full URL where you found it
- proof that you are the copyright holder and a statement that you are the rights’ holder or are an authorised representative
- the reason for your request including but not limited to copyright law, privacy laws, data protection, obscenity, defamation etc.
- proof that you have tried to contact the author(s) of the material with your request but the author(s) have either refused or could not be reached
- your signature
Postal complaints made under this policy should be sent to:
Lahden korkeakoulukirjasto
Kirkkokatu 27
15140 Lahti
Letter from the Editor
Dear reader
Welcome to the LAMKpub open access publishing platform of the Lahti University of Applied Sciences.
The aim of the platform is to improve the quality, openness and transparency of the publications of Lahti UAS. The objective of the Education and Culture Ministry’s Open Science and Research Project (ATT) is that by the year 2017, Finland will become one of the leading countries in the transparency of science and research and their utilization. The reliability of science and research as well as their societal and social impact should also increase. Lahti UAS is strongly committed to these objectives. This is why we decided to reform the journals of Lahti UAS by creating a new open access publishing platform to host our two new online journals, LAMK Pro and LAMK RDI Journal.
Lahti UAS focuses on teaching, RDI and publishing through four specific areas: design, smart industry, well-being and regenerative growth, and clean and dynamic environment. By publishing high quality open access articles LAMKpub will increase the visibility of the research conducted at Lahti UAS. By popularizing regional research we hope to encourage decision makers, entrepreneurs and citizens to become familiar with Lahti UAS’ research and utilize its results. This in turn will help improve the competitiveness of both the Lahti area and the Päijät-Häme region in general.
LAMKpub’s journals will publish versatile articles based on the work conducted at Lahti UAS, sharing the expertise of our staff and students alike. We will also pilot new ways of publishing. We look forward to sharing our expertise and research with you. Please feel free to give us feedback on this new platform.
Miia Willman